I'm not nearly as big as this shirt makes it seem. At least not yet.

I think this is quite possibly my favorite outfit of them all. (Minus the pants, that is.) I'm thinking it will still look good if I'm ever skinny again.

I was sad because, while the pants are super comfortable, I had a sneaking suspicion that they were supposed to be capris. But that is the story of my life. I should be used to it by now.

I thought a black shirt and dark pants required an edgy look. I don't think I pulled it off. I don't really know how to do edgy.

Ta-da! I was going for whimsy in this picture. This shirt took a little sorting out, but after a couple of wrestling matches with strings and fabric, I love it!
In other baby news, baby is the size of a yellow onion now. We should be finding out if it's a boy or girl soon and we will be sharing that with everyone we know! (And maybe even people we don't.) Tim, that should help with names. :P My morning sickness is all but gone, at least it is if I'm eat something all the time. (I've decided I want to become a food critique so I can eat all different kinds of food all the time and get paid for it.) My wedding ring is starting to give me grief. I took it off the other day for the first time since we got married.
We recently discovered that Lincoln is a very horse obsessed city. There is a thoroughbred track with races every weekend. Along with horse shows almost every weekend. We also found out that UNL has a weapons display in town for the summer. So hopefully we'll have some exciting pictures to put up in the next couple of weeks.