I have pictures of our place all decorated from Christmas and I will put them up soon, but before I do that, I thought I'd share some things we've learned about Nebraska so far. Some of them are trivia things we read about, some of them are things we've picked up on the streets (or from talking to people in banks).
Nebraska is all about having the biggest stuff. It is home to the largest indoor rain forest, largest porch swing (which holds 25 adults), largest aquifer, largest weight room (3/4 acre), largest rail classification complex (I don't even know what that means), largest producer and user of the center pivot irrigation system, largest woolly mammoth fossil, and the largest Kolache Festival (once again, don't know what that means).
Nebraska actually means "flat water" in Oto (Indian tribe).
Lots of super cool things were invented in Nebraska. Things like Kool-aide, the Reuben sandwich, 911, the strobe light, and Boys Town. And either Spam was invented here or just made here, I'm not quite sure which.
Nebraska used to be called "The Great American Desert" and then "The Tree Planters State" and now it's (of course) "The Cornhusker State".
The state motto is "Equality before the law." We're still trying to figure out exactly what that means, because "before" could go a couple of different ways.
And the reason why the post has this particular name is because Chimney Rock, the most popular Oregon trail landmark is in Nebraska.
We've also made such generalizations such as people named Levi are nice, tall, and skinny. And a place that usually has mild winters does not ALWAYS have mild winters. (We really should have moved to Alaska, it's warmer there right now.) Super Saver (grocery store) is AMAZING. Trees can be offensive.