We have finally caved. Beth and Jake have a blog. Maryanna and Cory have a blog. We decided it was our turn. The blog is so named, because stuff happens to Colin on a fairly regular basis that really only happens in Ashton Kutcher movies. Sometimes they're funny, sometimes annoying, sometimes they just are, and sometimes they are hi-LARIOUS and I mock him for years. Now that we are married, I find that I too, am in this movie filled with sometimes comedic hijinks.
I have a couple of recent examples. They are not the funniest, but they should prove my point. Today Colin and I were feeling lazy and decided to go to 5pm Mass in Winchester. Now we've gone to Mass there
numerous times, most of the time completely without a hitch. On the way, we got talking about one time a couple of summers ago when we'd gotten lost trying to get to 5pm Mass. We ended up calling Joe from the road and he directed us to about 4 other later Masses nearish to us. Somehow we managed to just miss all of them. We ended up rather depressed in Manassas. We must have been more engrossed in our reminiscence than we'd thought, because we didn't realize we'd missed our exit until I saw that we were in West Virginia. We eventually got turned around and made it to Mass late. We considered skipping all the inbetween Masses (not wanting to repeat mistakes) and heading straight to George Mason, but there was an accident on 66 and trafic was backed up forever.
The other one happened a couple of days ago. Colin and I were having kind of a crumy day and decided to go deposite some checks in the bank to make us feel like we had money. So we grab the checks and run out the door. We got outside before Colin turned to me and asked, "Do you have the keys?" I didn't. (Colin usually drives, so I rarely bring my keys anywhere.) We ran upstairs vainly hoping we'd left the door unlocked. No such luck. "That's ok," I said. "We'll just call our landlord." At that point I remembered that my cell phone was by my keys. Luckily Colin had his cell phone. It was then that we found out it didn't work. (He was trying out a phone he'd found in the Radio Shack recycle bin.) This is the point where we start looking at eachother waiting for the other to realize their keys were in a differnt pocket. We figured one of the other people in the building would have the landlord's number and a phone. This is probably true, except none of them were home! We didn't have keys. We didn't have phones. We didn't have the number we needed, because it was in the phones we didn't have. Our best plan was to walk somewhere that had a phone and a phone book. We would then, hopefully find the number for our landlord in the phone book and solve the problem. If his number wasn't listed, we would need to call Colin and Sarah (who have a listed number) and get Ryan's phone number. We could then call Ryan who used to rent from the same landlord and get the number from him and
then solve the problem. We were about to start walking, when our landlord drove up. We ran up to him waving like crazy people and all was well.